Coltan OreColtan Mining in DRC 

South Kivu Provincial government seized 80 bags of coltan smuggled into Bukavu

The National Mining Fraud Service in South Kivu intercepted 80 bags of semi-precious coltan ores fraudulently entered the town of Bukavu since Tuesday, June 23, 2020.  

These minerals, according to the National Anti-Mining Fraud Service, were hidden in a fictitious depot in Bukavu. Its source of origin is previously unsolved according to the anti-fraud service.


“The minerals were hidden in a fictitious repository,” said Antoine Imili Mutaona, coordinator of the National Commission against Mining Fraud.

Of the intercepted minerals, 4 tons of coltan belonged to the Indian businessman of the company “KOTECHA” located in South Kivu province, according to the communication cell of Governor Theo Ngwabidje Kasi.

“4 tons of coltan hidden in a cistern by the economic operator of the province known as KOTECHA and its apprehended accomplices, this is the result of the work shot on Tuesday 23 June 2020 by the National Anti-Fraud Commission in collaboration with the provincial Ministry of Mines and the centre of expertise, evaluation and certification of precious and semi-precious mineral substances (C.E.EC)” , reported the communication cell of Governor Theo Ngwabidje Kasi.

Initially, the provincial government ordered that the owner of these ores be at the end of the site and, if necessary, withdraw the owner’s licence to operate.

South Kivu province has several mines in the territories of Mwenga, Kalehe and Fizi, with international reports denouncing the illegal exploitation of minerals in the province.

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